Tuesday, March 17, 2009

retail therapy...

I just bought myself the prettiest dress. It is so ecomonical to have a housemate. Saving on rent means shopping times two.
It is designed by Barend Paul Barnard for Cherry Blonde, a fashion brand inspired by me.
Kelly wants to borrow it. I told her its broken(?).

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

i keep forgetting...

I just had a profanity. I keep forgetting my pins and my passwords. I was just told by this grunting lady standing behind me at the auto bank that I should keep my pin in a safe place where I'll always be able to find it. So I decided to write it here on my blog, duh.

The lady was really patient. She stood behind me for nearly 15 minutes before I realised that I could ask her for help. I assume she is homeless, because she had about half an inch of regrowth and was not wearing any lip liner.

auto bank pin: 59731
mobile pin: 8241
gmail password: sagilarius
blog password: jeanious


So the cable guy finally came to help me set up a blog. I think he's mad cos I switched to a wireless desktop. I recently heard that a wireless desktop has no cables. Poor cable guy might be out of a job soon.

Here he is sitting on my couch. He didn't want tea. Such a geek. He's the one in the middle