Saturday, September 29, 2012


Kelly broke up with her boyfriend. She came to my apartment wearing crocs. I took her shoe shopping.....

Friday, September 28, 2012

Thursday, September 27, 2012


I just bought myself the most fab Versace sunglasses... and it just started to rain. Isn't that ironical..?


P!nk - Blow Me

I don't always get music, but: Finally! A song about going to the hairdresser...

I absolutely love P!nk! Her new song "Blow Me" is a great way to remind the world what music should sound like.


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Mirror, mirror...

You know, if you switch off the screen of your iPad you can use it as a mirror...


Saturday, September 22, 2012

Absolutely Fabulous

Having cocktails at my BFF Rhonda's. If you could see us it'd be like watching Ab Fab with two Patsies.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

What's for dinner Woolworths?

So, there was a little bit of a misunderstanding over at local retailer Woolworths. Sounds like this was due to them simply stating that they are instituting BEE policy as is expected from any business with more than 50 employees. We're all aware of this compulsory 'thing', but the way that the retailer went about employing this protocol was dumb. If you want the nasty specs Google Justin Harrison + Woolworths.

BTW My advice is to give everyone in SA needs an Idiot's Guide to BEE. BEE which applarently aparenty states that businesses with 50 employees or more should reflect in relation the racial diversity of our nation. They did that perfectly at my previous job where I was emploid as secrelary. I had so much fun with that 1/3 of an Indian guy in procurement. He was hilarious half the time.

Anyway Woolworths, fix your PR. What you're doing now is like trying to cut your own hair...